I am an artist I am told. More so by others than myself, but I do admit I am not following the same path as “normal” people take. What is normal anyway? Not anybody. So by that very argument…. we are ALL artists. I just happen to claim it as a way to make a living. Some consider me lucky, and I consider myself practiced. Some may say artists are goofy. I say art careers take more intelligence and patience than the critics know.
I have put this website together myself so please be patient with the continual updates. I have found in my experience that the beats of art are always changing, so I am forced to dance to the same drum. I have many more murals to paint so do return often to see new work and films about those works. I have paintings from Boston to Flagstaff. Hundreds of paintings have been completed in my 19 years of painting. I plan to make hundreds more.
Below you will find favorite projects of mine and personal my blog with thoughts and updates about my adventures. Feel free to comment or ask any questions.
Please do explore as many pages as possible, find some prints or paintings to purchase, and let me know what you think.
michael@michaeljmayosky.com 607-301-1181

A short clip of my current mural to be hung in the spring of 2016. A delight to paint and even more of a delight to display. PennyLane, Springfield, Illinois, 2015 Mural from Michael Mayosky.

Rockin intro.